About The Band

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Brad, Ian, Ross, and Grant live in San Diego, California. They go to Scripps Ranch High and are in 11th grade.

Ian...1. The over-rated bass player. 2. Australian (can speak in the accent!). 3. Loves long walks on the beach. 4. Idols Jimmy Buffet. 5. Way too hott for the band.

Brad...1. One hunky pile of man meat. 2. The guitar player you see in the background, but can never hear it because he isn't plugged in. 3. Future is so bright he has to wear shades. 4. Hopes to be a NWBA player. 5. Way too cool for the band.

Ross...1. Knows of the intrument, "Drums," but if he can play them we do not know. 2. Metro 3. Pretty much holds all the talent. 4. Dreams of being a Sax player. 5. Way too Jewish for the band.

Grant...1. unsatisfactory 2. Asian 3. Knows that music will take him nowhere (His parents agree) 4. Doesn't take shit from nobody. 5. Way too Asian for the band.



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